A Safe Place for Your Pet

With three of our veterinarians being Fear Free Certified Professionals, PetVet Animal Health Center has taken the Fear Free philosophy to heart. The certified staff at our Auburn practice use the tools they’ve gained from their certification training to reduce fear, anxiety, and stress in each of our patients. What’s more, we consistently learn more with Fear Free continuing education to both refresh and keep us on the cutting edge of best practices.


We want each visit with us to be a calm, productive experience for both your pet and you. Methods to encourage a Fear Free environment are varied and each technique will, of course, work differently on each individual pet. What may effectively calm one pet, may not work as well for another, so we try to tailor our methods to your pet’s specific needs and responses.

Fear Free techniques may include:

  • Using treats to both reward and distract your pet. For this to be most effective, we often ask that you limit your pet’s consumption before coming in to see us.
  • Quickly getting you and your pet into an exam room, so your pet doesn’t spend too much time in the lobby with people and animals they don’t know.
  • Creating a calm atmosphere in exam rooms so your pet will relax.
  • Examining your pet wherever they feel most comfortable—whether on the exam table, the floor, in their crate, or in your lap!
  • Always using gentle handling and restraint techniques.
  • We WILL NOT forcibly restrain a stressed or fearful pet. This will only make your pet more fearful and harder to treat in the future.



We offer what we call Fear Free Visits. These are just meet and greet opportunities for us to get to know your pet, love on them, give them lots of treats, and give them a chance to explore our hospital. No exam, no shots, no poking or prodding. Just come in and say hi and get some treats. There is no cost for these visits and we’re happy to schedule them whenever you want.

We can also offer advice on how to prepare your pet for a visit with us. Many pets get stressed just getting in the car, or being loaded into a carrier. If this is a problem, let us know. We’re happy to offer helpful advice.

If you’re interested in learning more about our Fear Free Certified Professionals, get in touch today!

PetVet Animal Health Center

PetVet Animal Health Center